Cyclope Sign - an intelligent Traffic Sign attracts the attention of car drivers

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Puolet kevyen liikenteen onnettomuuksista tapahtuu pimeällä tai näkyvyyden ollessa huono ja lähes puolet tapahtuu suojateillä. Suomalainen Välkky Sign on maailman ensimmäinen kokonaan valaistu älykäs liikennemerkki. Välkky Sign valaisee suojatieliikennemerkin luonnollisella tavalla, merkin sisäpuolelta. Vilkkuva suojatiemerkki herättää autoilijan huomion suojatiealueella liikkuvista kevyen liikenteen kulkijoista.

Välkky Sign toimintamalli

Välkky Sign on akkukäyttöinen valaistu suojatien kalvoheijastinmerkki. Hämäräkytkimellä ja sensoreilla toimiva merkki valaistuu kun kevyen liikenteen kulkija on astumassa suojatiealueelle. Päiväsaikaan merkki toimii normaalina kaksipuoleisena heijastavana suojatien liikennemerkkinä.

Välkky Sign – An Intelligent Traffic Sign


Additional safety for pedestrian crossings

A half of pedestrian traffic accidents take place in dark or poor visibility conditions, and almost a half take place at pedestrian crossings. The first in the world entirely illuminated intelligent traffic sign is the new Cyclope Sign. Cyclope Sign illuminates the pedestrian crossing sign in a natural way, from inside the sign. The blinking pedestrian crossing sign draws drivers’ attention to people moving at the pedestrian crossing area.

Cyclope Sign in a nutshell

Cyclope Sign is a battery powered, illuminated membrane reflector sign for a pedestrian crossing. Operating with a twilight switch and sensors, the sign illuminates when a pedestrian or bicyclist is about to enter the pedestrian crossing area. In day time the sign works as a normal two-sided reflecting traffic sign of a pedestrian crossing.


  • A cost-effective way to improve the safety of pedestrian crossings
  • Flexible and easy to install
  • Service-free, only a change of battery needed once a year
  • Durable and protected from vandalism
  • Makes it safer and easier to cross a pedestrian crossing
  • Warns in a natural way about people at a pedestrian crossing
  • Multiple visibility compared to a normal sign
  • Enables fluent traffic, activates only when needed
  • An extensive surface illuminated from inside, activated by a twilight switch
  • Membrane reflector sign compliant with regulations (class R2 or class R3, according to country and customer specifications/needs)
  • Very good visibility in poor visibility conditions
  • Low energy consumption, duration of battery minimum 1 year in normal use
  • Size: 600 x 600 mm
  • Pole diameter for installation: 60mm
  • Sensor’s reading area 0-7 metres
  • Operating temperature -30 C° – +50 C°
  • Designed for demanding outdoor conditions

The intelligent device recognizes pedestrian movement and automatically sets on the flashing blue and white LED lights.

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